Tuesday, August 10, 2010


There are infinite options when it comes to motor-bicycles... Many bikes are suitable candidates, but not all are created equal, each has their benefits and draw-backs. Lets discuss a few of the basic options starting with bikes.

Basic Road Bike - These are typically lightweight, strong, uncomfortable, relatively expensive and more complicated.

Basic Mountain Bike - These make great motor bicycles, they are durable, comfortable, easy to work with, and generally have better brakes. V-frames typically vibrate less than any other.

Basic Beach Cruiser - These are the most stylish bicycles to motorize, but require some special consideration. Where they lack the complicity of the other bikes, they make up difficulty in the shape of the frame. Some are very strong, some are very poor, they should only be purchased from reputable manufacturers.

Motors are also available in different configurations. 2, and 4 stroke designs, American, Japanese, and Chinese designs. Lets talk about a few of the most popular options.

Chinese 66cc 2 stroke - These are the most common, least expensive, lowest quality motors available. When they run well, they make decent power. Parts are readily available, but plan on replacing things. Still these are the most highly sought after motors.

Huasheng 142f 49cc 4 stroke- These are Chinese copies of the Honda GHX5o motor. Deceptively similar, but there are a few key differences. They make almost as much power as the Honda, and some people have 50,000 miles on their same engine. At half the price of the Honda.

Honda GXH50 49cc 4 Stroke - These are an industry standard in motor bicycling. They are lightweight, High-reving, torquey, and reliable motors. They are one of the best choices.

Morini 49cc 2 Stroke - These are the creme of the crop when it comes to motor bicycles. These Italian designed 49cc motors put out anywhere from 5-12hp! They are very high strung, and require royal treatment. But nothing comes close to the power, and acceleration of the Morini.

Hopefully you have a little better understanding of what suits your needs the best. Don't hesitate to contact us with any question you might have.

1 comment:

  1. What's the difference between the Honda motor and the Huasheng?
